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5 Probable Causes of Early Pregnancy Cramps

Pregnancy can be an exciting experience but in some cases, it can become quite stressful if you suffer from distressing symptoms such as abdominal cramping, morning sickness, fatigue, and frequent urination. Among all the symptoms, early pregnancy cramps can be quite painful as they can lead to sudden pulling sensations in all the areas of your stomach. You can visit a gynaecologist hospital in Siliguri if the cramps become unbearable for you. 

Early pregnancy cramps are usually experienced by women during the first trimester or within 12 weeks from the missed period. In most cases, it settles down on its own as your body adapts to the physical and hormone changes. It is important to report the abdominal cramps to your healthcare provider so that he can investigate the underlying causes behind them. 

Given below are some of the common causes of abdominal cramps during the first trimester. 

Uterine Growth 

Your uterus undergoes rapid growth during the initial weeks of pregnancy which allows the uterus to take the spherical shape and create space for the amniotic fluid. This stretching makes your womb ready to accommodate the baby. 

Herein, it can also lead to sudden abdominal cramps but in some cases, there is nothing to worry about the cramps associated with uterine growth. The doctor can prescribe certain medications to manage the consistent mild to severe pain during early pregnancy if it doesn’t resolve after a while.


For some women, there is nothing to worry about the abdominal cramping as it can be one of the first signs of pregnancy. In most cases, you may experience cramping when the fertilized eggs attach to the uterine wall. 

This is most commonly known as implantation cramping and women may mistake this pain as normal menstrual cramps. The implantation cramping can make you feel a sudden tingling or prickling sensation in the stomach that can last for a few minutes or even hours. 


Abdominal cramping during the first trimester can also happen due to miscarriage. In most cases, abnormal embryonic development due to genetic abnormalities is found to be the main cause of miscarriage which can lead to severe cramps. 

Cramping associated with miscarriage will also be accompanied by vaginal spotting with tissues or blood. It is always a better idea to contact the best gynaecologist in Siliguri to get effective medications to entirely terminate the pregnancy. Other signs of miscarriage that you must notice include weakness and fever.

Gastrointestinal Issues 

Sudden changes in estrogen, hCG, progesterone, and hPL hormone levels not only cause side effects of vomiting and nausea but it can also lead to serious gastrointestinal issues. These gastric issues can also cause abdominal cramps during the first trimester due to increased chances of bloating, gas, and constipation. 

To resolve the cramping sensations associated with digestion issues, you can indulge in a fibre-rich and healthy diet which will also help you to maintain bowel movements. 

Ectopic Pregnancy 

In some rare cases, early pregnancy cramps can also be caused due to an ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy happens when the fertilized eggs implant the fallopian tubes despite implanting in the uterus. Cramping due to ectopic pregnancy often happens on only one side which can also be associated with shoulder pain, light-headedness, fainting, and weakness. 

It is essential to seek immediate help from the doctor if you experience these symptoms because ectopic pregnancy can rupture your reproductive organs if it is not treated at the right time. 

If the abdominal cramping continues in the second and third trimesters then it is necessary to visit a gynaecologist hospital in Siliguri. Some of the contributing factors behind the cramps during the advanced pregnancy phase are urinary tract infections, preterm labour, placental abruption, and uterine fibroids. 


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